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30 S 15th Street
Suite 1550 #22338
Philadelphia, PA


Frequently Asked Questions

What does SïdeGïg Studio do?
Who do you work with?
This isn't my side gig, it's my primary job. Can you still help?
Do you help with live classes, pre-recorded classes, or both? 
How do I get started?
I already bought a bunch of workbooks and classes to help me with this. Can we just use those?  I don't need any more "advice."
I hate almost everything about this "everyone is a coach" trend. Will I need to become that?
Do you give legal or financial advice?
Isn't the online learning marketplace saturated?
I have something amazing to offer the world but no one understands how it works or what I do. Can you help me?
Will you help me get leads? 
Once I'm set up, how will I maintain things? 

You've already done the hard part.

Let's get started.

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