Sustainable Scaling


KM Strategy is a brand strategy consultancy run by Kim Mackenzie. Mackenzie’s impressive portfolio full of clients like Cisco, Michael Kors, and Oatly had fellow freelancers and consultants turning to her for advice on business development, which she eventually turned into an online course.

The Challenge
While Mackenzie was confident that her course provided considerable value, she had originally put it together without any processes or automation. Even more concerning was the lack of clear messaging around the course offering. As a result, she says, "It meant that I wasn't converting as many customers as I wanted and wasn't clear about what the value proposition was and who this product was for." 

The Approach

Mackenzie’s existing offering itself didn’t need to be changed, but the way it was presented and administered did. With high-touch and manual processes, each sale entailed an exhausting amount of hands-on work. We discussed her goals, what was going well, and what needed to shift for her to grow workshop sales without impacting her consulting work.

“We sat down and had a conversation about my biggest pain points and Tasha came up with a list that was basically our scope of work. She walked me through it and I asked a ton of questions so I understood exactly what I was paying for and what I could expect,” Mackenzie says. “It was extremely organized. Everything was digitally available for me to look at which meant that I could better understand and follow along with what was happening. She was very clear about what my responsibilities were and what I needed to make decisions on. This made it incredibly fast.”

"I've never worked with someone that was so transparently communicative and action-based as Tasha. It was just wonderful being able to work with someone that gave me all the information I needed in order to make very, very fast decisions."

The Results

With a new landing page, updated pricing, new messaging, a refined offering, and an automated tech stack to support it all, Mackenzie is now able to turn her attention to growing this revenue stream. "It's really influenced the next offering that I'm going to be putting together which is based on data that we've collected from my past participants. So it's also opened up some other doors in terms of how to expand my business," says Mackenzie.

  • Increased prices by 35%
  • Immediately accelerated rate of sales
  • 30% mailing list growth in 30 days
  • 50% decrease in administrative burden

"Everything was implemented for me, so really it's a very low lift on my end from here on out, and I've been getting incredible feedback. I didn't realize how much value I was going to get out of working with Tasha. I really wish I would have done it sooner. I have just been totally delighted by our work."